Job post builder

Craft job posts that attract and convert.

Create job descriptions that resonate with top candidates using our AI-powered posts editor, designed to write impactful, high-quality role descriptions.

Job listings that don't bore the reader

Stand out from the crowd with a high variety of different content display, including rich text formatting and media embeds that describe the team, the role, and the company.

Allow for applications, referrals, or both

Choose how candidates apply for each role. Enable direct applications, referrals, or both with fully customizable referral settings.

AI job posts builder

Start from scratch or paste a link to an existing role description. Our conversational AI will transform it into a polished, high-quality job post in seconds.

Branded page themes

Keep your job posts on-brand with customizable color themes that bring your company's identity to life and make a lasting impression on candidates.

Postings version control

Need to make changes? View and roll back to previous versions of your job posts anytime with built-in version control.

Custom visibility settings

Control who sees your job posts. Limit visibility to specific recruitment channels and create unique sharing links with customizable referral settings.

Custom applicant questions

Tailor application questions to each role or let our AI generate them for you. Choose between optional or required responses to match your hiring process.

Short text answer

What is your favourite movie in the Fast and Furious franchise?

Your answer

Single choice

Of the following, what movie would you prefer to watch?

Your answer

Long text answer (supports formatting)

Why do you love the Fast and Furious franchise?

Your answer

Multiple choice

Which of these characters do you know from the Fast and Furious franchise?

Your answer


Will you ask better questions than the examples?

Your answer